

文章来源:国家农业制度与发展研究院 发布时间:2018-07-05 浏览次数:6173

张彤:   农业经济学博士、教授、博士生导师

办公地址: 经管办公楼 902  




行为经济与金融;agent-based modeling




1.  x. li, d. zhang, tong zhang, q. ji, b. lucey. 2021. awareness, energy consumption and pro-environmental choices of chinese households. journal of cleaner production. online. (sci)  (jcr q1)

2.  yu wu, tong zhang*. 2020. can credit ratings predict defaults in peer-to-peer online lending? evidence from a chinese platform. finance research letters. online. (ssci) (jcr q1) (corresponding author)

3.  tong zhang, h.liu, p.liang. 2020. social trust formation and credit accessibility—evidence from rural households in china. sustainability. 12: 667. (ssci) (jcr q2

4.  tong zhang. 2019. why are chinese small farmers planting more grain crops? review of the logic of grain planting (2018). china agricultural economic review. 12(1): 173-175. (ssci)

5.  tong zhang, x.shi, d.zhang,j.xiao. 2019. socio-economic development and electricity access in developing economies: a long-run model averaging approach. energy policy. 132: 223-231(ssci) (jcr q1)

6.  yu wu, tong zhang*. 2019. effects of change in commission fees on china futures market. finance research letters31: 54-65.  (ssci) (jcr q1) (corresponding author)

7.  tong zhang, y.huo, x.zhang, j.shuai. 2019. endogenous third-degree price discrimination in hotelling model with elastic demand. journal of economics. 127(2):125-145(ssci)

8.  s.chen, b.chie,tong zhang. 2015. network-based trust games: an agent-based model. journal of artificial societies and social simulation. 18(3):1-15. (ssci)(jcr q2)

9.  c.n.boyer, b.w.brorsen, tong zhang. 2014. common-value auction versus posted price selling: an agent-based model approach. journal of economic interaction and coordination, 9(1):129-149. (ssci) (jcr q2)

10.  tong zhang, b.w.brorsen. 2011. oligopoly firms with quantity-price strategic decisions. journal of economic interaction and coordination, 6(2):157-170. (ssci)

11.  tong zhang, b.w.brorsen. 2010. the long run and short run impact of captive supplies on spot market price: an agent-based artificial market. american journal of agricultural economics, 92(4): 1181-1194. (ssci) (jcr q1)

12. tong zhang, b.w.brorsen. 2009. a particle swarm optimization algorithm for agent-based artificial markets.  computational economics, 34(4): 399-417. (ssci)

13. c.chung, tong zhang, d.s.peel. 2009. effects of country-of-origin labeling in the u.s. meat industry with imperfectly competitive processors. agricultural and resource economics review, 38(3): 406–417.


14. 孟昕,李玲玉、窦一杰、张彤。异质竞标者网上拍卖最优机制设计——以“立即买” 拍卖为例,《产业组织评论》2019(4)

15.张彤,孟昕,王思宇.社会网络关系对家庭消费与房产投资的影响.《财经问题研究》2019(6):122-130. (cssci) 

16. 胡新艳,罗明忠,张彤*. 权能拓展、交易赋权与适度管制——中国农村宅基地制度的回顾与展望.《农业经济问题》2019(2):73-81. (cssci)

17. 张彤,侯幸,吴昱.效率、民意与车牌分配方式选择.《经济学(季刊)》2017(2):707-728.(cssci)(权威)

18. 幸,胡又欣,张彤.车牌拍卖的实验研究。《财经科学》. 201312.(cssci)

19. 张彤,李涵,宋瑞超.产业结构调整与经济转型下的产业现状与展望——“2014产业经济与公共政策双年会综述.《经济研究》2014(6) (cssci) 

20. 龚强,李涵,张彤. 经济转型下的产业经济与公共政策——“2012产业经济与公共政策论坛综述.《经济研究》2012(6)(cssci)


21. shu-heng chen, tong zhang. an agent-based skeleton of the network-based trust game. proceedings of the agent-directed simulation symposium. (no.1 article) society for computer simulation international san diego, ca, usa. 2013.

22. shu-heng chen, tong zhang. “network-based trust games: an agent-based model,” the 5th international workshop on emergent intelligence on networked agents (wein’13), saint paul, minnesota, usa, may 6, 2013, pp. 60-73.

23. shu-heng chen, tong zhang. “an agent-based skelton of the network-based trust games,” in levent yilmaz, tuncer ören, yu zhang, gregory madey, & maarten sierhuis (eds.), 2013 spring simulation multi-conference (springsim’13) simulation series: 45(1):1-6. proceedings of the agent-directed simulation symposium (ads 2013), san diego, april 7-10, 2013.

24. 罗彬杰,林漳希,谢梦芝,张彤.c2c市场抽样数据中发现网商成长的规律.第二界网商及电子商务生态学术研讨会论文集,2008。


1. y.dong, tong zhang*.  nonfarm employment and the agricultural production efficiency differentiation of rural households in china. under revision. 

2. tong zhang, s. chen, y. wu. the formation of risk-sharing social groups.


广东省基础与应用基础研究基金“农户社会网络构建及对其风险分担与决策行为的影响”(项目号: 2020a1515010456)

2 央高校基本科研业务费项目“企业担保网络的风险传递机制研究”(项目号:jbk160211)


央高校基本科研业务费项目风险共享型社会网络的建构” (项目号:jbk140206)




教育部回国人员科研启动基金bertrand-edgeworth模型中异质公司的合谋与竞争(教外司留2010 1561号)




10 教育部人文社会科学研究西部和边疆地区项目规划项目基金“空间异质性视角下云南边疆民族地区教育精准扶贫绩效评价研究”(20xja880007

11 国家社会科学基金重大项目“乡村振兴与深化农村土地制度改革研究”(2019zda115

12 农业部软科学“提升我国农产品竞争力研究:从应对海外动植物检验检疫措施(sps)角度”

13 广东省政协乡村振兴与农村土地制度改革项目---宅基地子课题 (2018

14 中央高校基本科研业务费项目家庭风险分担机制及其消费行为的实证研究”(2017

15 央高校基本科研业务费项目 “利用人工智能方法对不同机制下的ipo定价的比较研究” (项目号: 16cx150208

16 西南财经大学中央高校基本科研业务专项资金产业经济与公共政策团队项目(项目号:jbk130502

17 自然科学基金面上项目 “食品安全信任危机下信息揭示对企业行为的激励机制研究——基于社会监督与社会惩罚的视角“(项目号:71373210  


 2008  oklahoma state university     农业经济博士


2017.10- 至今    华南农业大学 国家农业制度与发展研究院

2008.09-2017.9   西南财经大学 经济与管理学院


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