(一) 2017年12月8日,susan whiting教授应邀来到华南农业大学国家农业制度与发展研究院。在张同龙教授的主持下,susan whiting教授给研究院师生带来一场关于“村庄选举与征地”的精彩的学术讲座。susan whiting教授这篇文章基于中国农村跟踪调查数据,实证研究了村庄征地对村委选举的影响,同时控制了村内企业数、村内人口、人均收入、候选人数、独立投票间等变量,并对结果进行了稳健性检验,发现“村庄是否征地”对村干部的贿选行为存在显著的正向影响。susan whiting汉语流利,虽然使用英语介绍文章,但其语速平缓、吐字清晰、发音标准,使研究院师生能够准确地理解其所讲的内容。整个讲座气氛热烈,研究院师生与susan whiting进行了充分的交流,师生们都表示收获很大;susan whiting教授也表示大家提出的问题给她以启发,有助于其完善文章内容与新文章的写作。
(讲座中的susan whiting教授)
susan whiting教授简介:susan whiting (ph.d, michigan; b.a. yale) is associate professor of political science and adjunct associate professor of law and international studies at the university of washington in seattle. she specializes in chinese and comparative politics, with particular emphasis on the political economy of development. her first book, power and wealth in rural china: the political economy of institutional change, was published by cambridge university press in 2001. she has contributed chapters and articles on property rights, fiscal reform, governance, contract enforcement and dispute resolution to numerous publications. she has done extensive research in china and has contributed to studies of governance, fiscal reform, and non-governmental organizations under the auspices of the world bank, the asian development bank, and the ford foundation, respectively. she, along with colleagues in the law school, is participating in a project on access to justice and legal aid provision in rural china. professor whiting’s current research interests include property rights in land, the role of the courts in economic transition, as well as the politics of fiscal reform in transition economies. among her courses, she teaches comparative politics, chinese politics, qualitative research methods, and law, development, & transition, a course offered jointly in the department of political science, the jackson school of international studies, and the law, societies and justice program.
(susan whiting教授)
(二) 2017年12月11日下午4:30分,loren brandt教授应邀来到华南农业大学国家农业制度与发展研究院。在张同龙教授的主持下,loren brandt教授给研究院师生带来一场关于“资源错配与农业生产效率”的精彩的学术讲座。loren brandt教授认为与发达国家农业相比,发展中国家的农业劳动生产率普遍非常低。他认为资源错配现象在中国的农业生产中也是普遍存在的,尤其是土地市场的扭曲现象。随后,loren brandt教授基于个人以及部门的异质性假设,估计并发展了易于处理的两部门一般均衡模型,并利用农业部农村经济研究中心调查小组1993年到2002年10个省份110个村庄8000户农户非平衡面板数据,分别评估了农业资源错配对农户职业选择模式和农业全要素生产率(tfp)的影响。研究结果表明:(1)农户基于集体成员权,统一分配得到的土地以及国家对土地市场交易的限制(农地租赁市场受到管制),造成了土地和资本与农户农业生产经营能力的不匹配,进而导致农地资源的利用没有达到帕累托最优;(2)消除农业资源扭曲现象,将会使农业劳动生产率提高13.8倍,农业全要素生产率(tfp)提高4.3倍。文章启示:(1)基于农户异质性假设以及比较优势理论,实现农户农业生产经营能力与农地资源相匹配,进而调整其农业生产经营规模,从而提高农业生产率;(2)政府应实行安全的土地财产权制度,构建农地流转平台,促进分散的土地予以集中,提高农业生产力的水平。
(讲座中的loren brandt教授)
loren brandt is a professor of economics at the university of toronto specializing in the chinese economy. he has been at the university of toronto since 1987. he is also a research fellow at the iza (the institute for the study of labor) in bonn, germany. he has published widely on the chinese economy in leading economic journals, and has been involved in extensive household and enterprise survey work in both china and vietnam. he was co-editor and major contributor to china’s great economic transformation (cambridge university press, 2008), a landmark study that provides an integrated analysis of china’s unexpected economic boom of the past three decades. brandt was also one of the area editors for oxford university press’ five-volume encyclopedia of economic history (2003). his current research focuses on issues of industrial upgrading in china, inequality dynamics, and economic growth and structural change.
(loren brandt教授)
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