

文章来源:国家农业制度与发展研究院 发布时间:2018-07-12 浏览次数:766
1b luo40-year reform of farmlandinstitution in china: target, effortand the futurechina agricultural economic review2018
2meishan jiang, krishna p. paudel & yunsheng mifactors affecting agricultural land transfer-in inchina: a semiparametric analysisapplied economics letters2018
3heyuan huang,zhipeng du, yiming hethe effect of population expansion on energy consumption in canton of china: a simulation from computable general equilibrium approach,international journal of engineering sciences & management research,2018
4yiming he,biliang luo,baoling zhoudo heterogeneous agricultural factors affect farmland contractual choice?----evidence from chinaman and the economy:the journal of the coase society2018
5zhipeng du,weikun zhangyiming hewhat drives housing consumption in china?——based on a dynamic optimal general equilibrium model and spatial panel data analysis”,,3(2018)1-26(with zhipeng du and weikun zhang).jouranl of economics and political2018
6yiming he, thomas m. fullerton and adam gwalke “electricity consumption and metropolitan economic performance in guangzhou: 1950–2013”energy economics2017
7yiming he and shaohui gao coasian theorem, public domain, and property rights protectionasian economic and financial review2017
8shaohui gao, yiming he“the effect of urbanization and economic performance on metropolitan water consumption: theoretic model and evidence from guangzhou of china”,applied economics and finance2017
9yiming he and shaohui gaogas consumption and metropolitan economic performance: models and empirical studies from guangzhou, chinainternational journal of energy economics and policy2017
10yiming he and shaohui gaoeconomic growth, urbanization, industrialization, and metropolitan electricity consumption: evidence from guangzhou in chinathe empirical economics letters2017
11danzhu lai, heyuan huang,zhipeng du, yiming hemarket interlinked, system non-specialized: farmland transfer impacts on rural labor mobilityjournal of finance and economics,2017
12zhipeng du, yiming henexus between energy consumption and economic performance in chinajournal of business and economics2017
13loren brandt, susan whiting, linxiu zhang, and tonglong zhangchanging property-rights regimes: a study of rural land tenure in chinachina quarterly2017
14s giri  z qiu  t prato  b luowater resources management 2016
15myles patton, wei xia, siyi feng, victor hewitteconomic structure and vulnerability to recession in rural areaseurochoices2016
16shaolinfu,xinyan hu, jiabao lin, yunsheng mian empirical study of impact factors of information sharing among partners of a company farmers from chinesedatajournal of applied sciences2013
17he yi-ming,gao shao-huicultural tradition, economic transition, and ling-nan mode——an analysis framework for institutional matchingstudies on china's special economic zones2013

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